I collated 50 powerful quotes about managing time that will inspire you and remind you why time management is so important.
There are famous time management quotes that you have heard before, but continue reading and you might discover other inspirational time management quotes that you never heard before.
You may pin the quotes to your Pinterest board, or print them out as a poster to paste in your classroom. Share with your students what time management means and why time management skills are important.
For more teachers’ time management tips, read the previous blog post: Time Management Teacher Guide: 21 Easy And Practical Tips
Time management quotes about time

- “Time Management is a misnomer, the challenge is to manage ourselves.” – Stephen Covey
- “Time management is being able to utilize all of the time you have to be productive.” – Diane Schuler
- “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” – Zig Ziglar
- “Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week.” – Charles Richards
- “It’s how we spend our time here and now, that really matters. If you are fed up with the way you have come to interact with time, change it.” – Marcia Wieder
- “You don’t have enough time…you just spend what little you’ve got intelligently.” – John Wooden
- “When you’re young, you feel like you have plenty of time. Then you find out how short life is. So use the time you have wisely.” – Woody Allen
- “We often overestimate what we can do in a short period of time and underestimate what we can do over a long period of time.” – William James
- “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!” – Tony Robbins
- “Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” – Art Buchwald
Time management quotes about the importance of time

- “Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose.” – Thomas Edison
- “Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.” – Alan Lakein
- “Guard your time fiercely. Be generous with it, but be intentional about it.” – David duChemin.
- “A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.” – Charles Darwin
- “Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin
- “Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin
- “Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever.” – Samuel Smiles
- “Money, I can only gain or lose. But time I can only lose. So, I must spend it carefully.” – Author Unknown
- “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” – Theophrastus
- “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” – Jim Rohn
- “I’m always trying to get more done in less time. I think that’s the secret to getting ahead.” – Bill Gates
Time management quotes about making plans and taking control

- “He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.” – Victor Hugo
- “The most efficient way to live reasonably is every morning to make a plan of one’s day and every night to examine the results obtained.” – Alexis Carrel
- “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot” – Michael Altshuler
- “I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.” – Golda Meir
- “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
- “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J Meyer
- “You will never “find” time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” – Charles Bruxton
- “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown
- “In truth, people can generally make time for what they choose to do; it is not really the time but the will that is lacking.” – Sir John Lubbock
Time management quotes about setting priorities

- “Time management is not about managing time; it’s about managing priorities.” – David Allen
- “If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.” – Lee Iacocca
- “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent, and not enough time on what is important.” – Steven Covey
Famous time management quotes about multitasking

- “To do two things at once is to do neither.” – Publius Syrus
- “The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time.” – Mozart
Time management quotes about procrastination

- “If you want to do something really well, you need to do it right now. You can’t put off doing it until later.” – Stephen Covey
- “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.” – Anonymous
- “Don’t wait for tomorrow; do today what you can, and do it well.” – Henry Ford
- “The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.” – Carl Sandburg
- “What may be done at any time will be done at no time.” – Scottish Proverb
- “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” – Karen Lamb
- “While we are postponing, life speeds by.” – Seneca
- “Never leave ’till tomorrow which you can do today.” – Benjamin Franklin
Time management quotes about making use of time effectively

- “It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau
- “Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves.” – Lord Chesterfield
- “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing.” – Thomas Jefferson
- “Don’t make the same decision twice. Spend time and thought to make a solid decision the first time so that you don’t revisit the issue unnecessarily.” – Bill Gates
- “Don’t get sidetracked by people who are not on track.” – Anonymous
- “You don’t need more time… You just need to decide.” – Seth Godin
- “One can only forget about time by making use of it.” – Charles Baudelaire
Do you feel inspired? Now it’s time to take what you learned from these time management quotes and put it to use!

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