3 Fun And Interesting Algebra Games Printable Your Students Need

3 Fun And Interesting Algebra Games Printable Your Students Need

Are you ready to transform the way your students learn algebra with algebra games printable? Say goodbye to mundane drills and hello to an exciting and interactive learning experience! 

Introducing 3 game-changing resources that bring joy and enthusiasm back into the classroom. 

If you’re a teacher looking to engage your students while teaching them essential algebraic concepts, these are the must-have games you’ve been waiting for! 

Plus, there is a bonus game right at the end of this blog post. 

But before that let’s start with the classic game of Bingo. 

Algebra Bingo Game

Algebra bingo game allows students to practice writing, simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions.

With Algebra Bingo, you’ll effortlessly blend the excitement of a classic game with the academic rigors of algebra, striking the perfect balance between fun and learning.

As an educator, you already have a full plate, and we understand the importance of convenience. 

The Algebra Bingo Game is easy to set up, requiring minimal preparation time. Just print the printable algebra worksheets and game boards, and let the excitement begin! 

Evaluating algebraic expressions practice without preparation.

Furthermore, the easy game play does not require much effort to teach students how to play. 

This time-efficient solution ensures you can focus on teaching and nurturing your students’ growth.

Algebra Bingo Game includes 3 sets that are great for differentiation:

  • Simplifying Algebraic Expressions,
  • Write And Simplify Algebraic Expressions In Word Problems,
  • Evaluating Algebraic Expressions In Word Problems.

This thoughtful design ensures that every student gets precisely the practice they require to excel in algebra.

The first set (Simplifying Algebraic Expressions) has 25 thoughtfully crafted questions which makes it perfect to use to play the classic Bingo game with 25 boxes. 

Writing algebraic expressions games are fun and engaging.

However this resource does not only work the traditional way. 

There are 6 types of game boards that you can use and various game play that you can play. 

6 algebra game boards makes evaluating algebraic expressions questions enjoyable.

For example, you can also use 24 questions 1-page cut & paste or other game boards with lesser boxes with this set too. 

The other 2 sets have 8 questions. You can use them as printable worksheets or print game boards with 8 boxes or less for them.

Different ways to play Bingo

Other than the different game boards, there are also different ways you can play Bingo with. 

For instance, for the pre-made bingo cards, instead of getting 3 boxes in a line, students need to get either the 4 corners or the middle boxes on each side. 

In addition, there is a spinner for partners to use to call out the alphabet to cross out. This means that this great game can be played by 2 students or more.

To play independently, students can use the game board with 3 boxes to play like a lottery.  

For more information on this fun game, do check out the TPT listing for algebra games printable.

Key Features

  • ★ Simplify Algebraic Expressions
  • ✅25 questions
  • ★ Write And Simplify Algebraic Expressions In Word Problems
  • ✅8 questions
  • ★ Evaluate Algebraic Expressions In Word Problems
  • ✅8 questions
  • ★ 6 types of gameboards
  1. 8 pre-made Bingo Cards for each skills
  2. Empty game boards with 25 boxes
  3. Empty game boards with 8 boxes
  4. Empty game boards with 3 boxes
  5. 24 questions 1-page cut & paste
  6. 8 questions 1-page cut & paste
  • Spinner for partner game
  • Answer key
  • 2 Formats: Printable, Easel
  • Singapore Primary 6 | 6th Grade
  • Economical to print: Black & White
  • No Prep
  • Fun & Engaging

Evaluating Algebraic Expressions Games

Evaluating algebraic expressions games.

This unique and interactive collection of games is designed to make learning evaluating algebraic expressions by substitution not only enjoyable but also highly effective. 

Evaluating algebraic expressions with one variable games.

With a variety of games, you can review this math concept every time and your students wouldn’t find it boring! 

This will be a great supplement to your algebra resources! 

Evaluation of algebraic expressions will let your math students enjoy your math lessons as they are fun and engaging.

There are classic fun math games like tic tac toe and four in a row. With an animal theme, the board games look more inviting and fun. After all, animal lovers range from all age groups! 

Key Features:

  • Evaluate algebraic expressions via substitution
  • 9 Game boards
  • ✅1x Independent Game
  • ✅6x Partner Games
  • ✅2x 2-4 Small Groups Games
  • 3 Recording Sheets for Accountability
  • Answer Key for selective games (8 games)
  • Fun way to practice algebra
  • No Prep!
  • Animal Theme
  • Black & White and Colored Version
  • Digital Option: Easel

Algebraic Expressions In Word Problems

Solve algebraic expressions in word problems through fun math board games!

If you want your students to practice more algebra word problems without feeling bored, try incorporating them with these algebra board games!

These 6 algebra board games will be perfect to get your students engaged as they master how to write, simplify and evaluate algebraic expressions.

Game Boards

There are many game boards for you to practice writing algebraic expressions for word problems.

The set includes 3 types of game boards, each offering a unique experience.

  • Rockets Board Game (works similar to snakes and ladder but without the snake)
  • 30 question spaces
  • 20 question spaces

Each math board game has numbered and unnumbered spaces. The numbered spaces let your students know which task card to do while the unnumbered spaces allow your students to do a random task card. 

In addition, they come in both black and white and colored versions. 

The rocket board game is engaging as it allows students to move forward if they are lucky enough to land on the fire part of the rocket. With the rocket theme, it works well with space themed lessons. 

The board game with 30 question spaces is what you need if you want your students to do more questions than playing.  

However, if you want more game mechanics, the 20-question spaces board game is also provided. 

There are 5 game play instructions provided for your needs. They are similar, just change specific instructions to fit the numbered and non-numbered game boards.  

Task Cards

Combining like terms in algebraic expressions task cards include QR codes.

There are 2 sets of task cards of different math skills that you can use with these game boards:

  • Write and Simplify Algebraic Expressions
  • Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

This resource requires you to cut out the task cards beforehand if you planned to use them randomly. 

However, if you want to use them with the numbered game boards, you can choose not to cut them out to make it easier to find the question. 

There are pros and cons to cutting it out. 

The pros is the students will be focused on 1 question and it will look more manageable. 

The cons is you have to cut and laminate (optional) in advance. 

Other ways to use the task cards

Just a reminder, you can also use the task cards for other purposes (i.e. scavenger hunt, scoot, math centers). 

The game boards are designed such that you can use different task cards with these game boards too. 

To make the game more interesting, add some penalties that you know your students will be willing to do. For example, if you use these as part of a back to school activity, you can add penalties like introducing yourself or shaking hands with 4 people. 

This resource is my first resource with QR codes. I surveyed my students about the use of them and my students favor them. They think it makes it more interesting. 

Do your students love QR codes? Then you wouldn’t want to miss this.

Not equipped to scan QR codes but want your students to self-check? 

Solution: you can print the answer keys for students to check the right answer instead. 

Algebra board games include algebraic expressions to word phrases questions. These math games are easy to use.

Key Features:

  • 2 Sets: Write and Simplify Algebraic Expressions, Evaluate Algebraic Expressions
  • 5 Game plays
  • 6 Game boards (B&W and Colored)
  • 4 Recording sheets
  • 1 Additional pieces (B&W and Colored) – spinner & game piece
  • 12 pages of math worksheets – 60 algebra questions in total
  • Answer key
  • Teacher directions
  • Printing directions
  • Ways to use this resource
  • Digital Option: Easel

Bonus: Algebraic Equations And Expressions Scavenger Hunt

Algebraic Equations And Expressions Scavenger Hunt

This resource requires you to print the task cards and hide them around the room. 

Though the preparation is more than the 3 algebra games printable mentioned above, this game is a hit among students! 

Students just like to move around and this activity provides them with the opportunities to do so. 

Algebraic equations activities encourage movement and is self-checking.

This scavenger hunt is self-checking as the answers will lead them to the next task card, forming a loop. 

If this is the first time your student is playing this type of scavenger hunt, do model the whole process so that students will have a better idea how it works.

Sometimes students get too excited to start to listen to the instructions given. So, do check in on them when they start playing to prevent any misunderstandings. 

There are 3 algebra activities in this resource, each with 9 questions. 

27 evaluating algebraic expressions problems for your math students to practice algebra.

After students solve all the 9 algebra problems, they need to unscramble the letters to form the word. 

In this resource, all 3 words are animal related. A definition is given as a hint. 

writing algebraic expressions activities are fun and engaging. They are great for your math lessons!

To clarify, only the words are animal related, the questions are NOT animal themed questions. This means you can use them all year round. 

Key Features:

  1. Evaluate Algebraic Expressions
  2. Write Algebraic Expressions
  3. Solve Algebraic Equations (simple equations)
  • 9 Questions / Set
  • 27 Questions in Total
  • 3 Recording Sheets
  • Mystery Words – Animals
  • Answer Key
  • Singapore Primary 6 | 6th & 7th Grade

Final Thoughts

Do you want your students to enjoy learning algebra? Do you want all of the above in your arsenal? Then buy this money-saving bundle – Solving Algebraic Expressions Games – today!  

Solving Algebraic Expressions Games - Money saving bundle

All the questions do not have exponents and brackets. These printable math games are a great way for reviewing basic algebra concepts. 

You can use these resources for: 

  • Math Centers / Math Stations
  • End of Year Activities
  • Back to School Activities
  • Substitutes
  • Fast Finishers / Early Finishers
  • Review 
  • Extra practice

Let your students have some math fun with algebra games printable while brushing up their algebra skills today!

Related Read: 5 Useful Online Algebra Practice Tests That Will Make Your Life Easier

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