5 Fun Math Games For Christmas (With Free Printable Worksheets!)

If you are looking for some math games for Christmas, I got you covered! And if you are looking for some free Christmas resources, I also have them! 

Let me share with you 5 ideas that can bring your students lots of festive fun while learning math at the same time.

Add these Christmas-themed math resources to your list of math activities for Christmas to keep your students engaged this December! 

In this list of mine, there are games that suit from grade 1 all the way to grade 7.

Rest assured that as a math teacher, the resources mentioned will always have math components.

Topics include number bonds to 10, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percentage.  

#1: Math Escape Room

Students always look forward to escape room, so don’t leave it out in this holiday season! I think one of the reasons why students enjoy playing escape games is because it consists of a variety of games in one session. (As a teacher, I love escape games because students will willingly do the review questions without groaning or complaining.) So get these popular games and let your students do some Christmas math drills today! 

If you don’t want the fuss of preparing the materials and prepping the room, these Christmas math online games can be used for virtual lessons too. Check out two of my math review escape room games. 

#2: Quiz Game Show

Quiz game shows are perfect for reviewing concepts as a whole class or small groups. So, remember to include them in your Christmas math lesson plans!

To match the theme, you can make a Christmas mask, hat, or Rudolf nose for students. When students play the Christmas Fractions Quiz Game Show, those who are going to answer the question can wear it. 

Fractions Christmas Activities

Students will enjoy reviewing converting mixed numbers and improper fractions, adding and subtracting like and unlike fractions, comparing and ordering fractions, equivalent fractions, and practicing word problems involving fractions with this engaging Jeopardy® style math gameshow!

This no-prep and interactive Boom™ Deck will be a great addition to your math activities for Christmas! 

#3: Math Board Games

Let’s not forget the traditional Christmas math games printable. They are usually NO PREP (which means time saver) and can be played in pairs or small groups. They are great for math centers or stations. If you need to reinforce multiplication and division, these Christmas themed board games will be perfect for you.   

math games with multiplication and division - board game of multiplication and division of 2 and 3
Boardgame of multiplication and division of
2 and 3

Christmas Math Board Games for Multiplication and Division contain 1 game with 28 different boards. Students can be given games with the facts that are most appropriate for their abilities (great for differentiation). Each game is for 2 players. 

#4: Math Maze

Mazes can be fun and educational. Online mazes help you to save time especially when it is NO PREP and self-checking. 

This resource has 10 mazes. You can assign the math facts you want your students to practice on. 

#5: Math Search Game

Instead of Christmas themed word search, search for math equations! Students will first solve the math facts and then search for the math equations. When they find them on the grid, they will tick the equation on the list to cross them off. 

multiplication christmas games have 3 versions

In Multiplication Christmas Games, students will get to practice multiplying by 2 to 10. If you played this in Boom Learning, it requires no preparations on your part and is self-checking. 

However, if you prefer printable for students to work on, don’t fret! This resource has 3 versions, all with slight differences, and was modified for the specific platform. 

Free Multiply By 2 – Christmas Math Search & Maze

Get this freebie today!

Would you like to try out Christmas math worksheets for 3rd graders? Check out Multiply with 2 to get the Christmas math worksheets printables FREE! 

Free Printable 1st Grade Math Worksheets

Do you need some Christmas math worksheet? Grab Number Bonds to 10 Free Printable Worksheets today! 

number bonds to 10 free printable worksheets
Number bonds to 10 free printable worksheets

12 Free Christmas Printables Activities


In December, students tend to be more distracted and excited as it is the holiday season. You can direct their energy to the task on hand if they have some jolly fun while they learn.

In addition, if you want to save time and relax during this festive season, check out the resources mentioned in this post. I hope you enjoy them!

Which is your favorite? Drop me an email and let me know. If you have any special requests for the season, ask me and we can discuss more. 

Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

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